a way to see the world

The project, which has been presented to us by Professor Luis E. Carranza Phd., Roger Williams University, is an architectural investigation. This is an investigation into making people, rather, us think of our surroundings. An architecture which wakes us from our blase attitude to force us to realise we have been asleep. Only on the rare occasion do we recall how it is we came to be in the very room we now sit. This is an attempt to wake a campus from such a slumber.

This investigation begins with art in the form of a Juan Gris painting.

Friday, September 17, 2010

new assignments

We have moved on. Still working on the painting, now we must see a landscape in the midst of the lines. Add to this the use of a Corbu building and you get an interesting dialoge between a cubist artist and a designer who saw the world through the cubist glass. Let me explain; if cubism is about moving around an object to see it in its totallity, Corbusier's use of the ramp fits in with this phylosophy. Instead of a means to an end, going up stairs to get to the top, we find Corbusier wants us to experience the space he has given us as we gradually travel from one plane to the next taking in the space in its intirty.

The building I have chosen to couple with the work I have been doing on the Juan Gris painting is the Corruchette House. http://en.wikiarquitectura.com/index.php?title=Curutchet_House (pretty good, quick reference). This house is on a small foot print but manages to pack a punch when it comes to architecture. Corbu ues the ramp to deliver the full oportunity for viewing this house. Placed on piloti, the house sits above the ground plane and allows nature to grow up and around the structure. These are the two main features I chose to borrow in this exersize. Getting to some work heres some pics:

As you can see in these section drawings I am attempting to break down the ground plane into verious levels to create a more complex fabric to inhance the viewing experience of the person walking around. Ramps are in use as well as the "hovering" blocks are both on piloti, as will become more evident in the model to come. 

The idea was presented that maybe the water I have in the landscape might relate more to the actual painting which I am getting all the lines from. This gave me the idea that maybe the table could be some sort of waterfall with the edge of the tabl being where the water spills off into the abyss being the floor in the painting. I would leave this section as a void in the model to emphasize the point. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Here's the actual painting for reference.

understanding how we see

given the painting Glasses, Newspaper & Bottle of Wine by cubist painter Juan Gris we were told to, in a sense, "understand" the painting. Cut it up, push and pull and ultimately tease out what the painting was about.

the whole idea behind this is to stand up the fronts of the objects on the painting and keep flat the surfaces that were parallel to the table top. i also cut the painting along the strong vertical lines to try to align the table edge to better understand the space.

this was an attempt at further cutting and disecting the painting. i turned the different pieces into various planes. giving them a certain depth i was able to create something that while it looked like the painting head on became very distorted when viewed from an angle.
 this was an attempt at creating layers of color to "flatten" the painting by pushing the lighter colors to the back and bringing the darker colors to the front.

using clear plastic i used layers in this model as well but chose to layer the objects within the space. this is the least successful of the studies as it is the most difficult to read the painting through the modifications.