The building I have chosen to couple with the work I have been doing on the Juan Gris painting is the Corruchette House. (pretty good, quick reference). This house is on a small foot print but manages to pack a punch when it comes to architecture. Corbu ues the ramp to deliver the full oportunity for viewing this house. Placed on piloti, the house sits above the ground plane and allows nature to grow up and around the structure. These are the two main features I chose to borrow in this exersize. Getting to some work heres some pics:
As you can see in these section drawings I am attempting to break down the ground plane into verious levels to create a more complex fabric to inhance the viewing experience of the person walking around. Ramps are in use as well as the "hovering" blocks are both on piloti, as will become more evident in the model to come.
The idea was presented that maybe the water I have in the landscape might relate more to the actual painting which I am getting all the lines from. This gave me the idea that maybe the table could be some sort of waterfall with the edge of the tabl being where the water spills off into the abyss being the floor in the painting. I would leave this section as a void in the model to emphasize the point.